Compulsive and vigorous, the paintings of Regina da Costa Val bring out to the public an account of certain typical situations in the daily conflicts of some marginlized human beings.

The figures are extremely sarcastic. They are laughing, all of them – which is not very common in art – perhaps laughing at themselves or at the situation to which they have been dragged by the imperatives of a complex and unequal society.

One of them, in the depth of dispair and anguish, is actually roaring with laughter – which represents exceedingly well the most dramatic moment of the expressionism created by the artist's trace. For the same reasons, these figures contort and shatter themselves into pieces in front of the empty plate, which the artist, also ironically, denominates "The dish of today". (special of the day).

In focusing those strong impressions, Regina da Costa Val enhances still more the dramatic intensity of expression when she places the figures in contrast with the softness of the texture and the light, neutral tonalities of the background.

Summing up, her paintings are agreeably rude, with a considerable plastic exhuberance and profound expressive essence, besides being committed to contemporaneous behavior.


Critic of Art of "Estado de Minas"

Belo Horizonte